How can I best view my resume?
Your resume is best viewed using Microsoft Word with a .5 margin.
Which documents are included in my resume package?
You will receive your choice of a private sector or a federal resume, a cover letter, an interview thank-you letter, and a long list of veteran-friendly employers.
What can I do to help veterans and Free Resumes for Veterans (FR4V)?
We are always in need of volunteers, monetary contributions, and free services in the areas of:
Job Placement Networking
Legal Advice
Resume Writers
People Providing New Business Startup and Entrepreneurial Advice
Relocation and Housing Assistance
Cost-of-Living Assistance and Programs
Interview Suits and Clothing
Government Veterans Assistance Programs
Education Grants and Counselling Assistance
Mental Health and Phone Counseling
In-Patient and Out-Patient Substance Abuse Programs
Medical Care and Insurance
Optical and Dental Assistance
Interview Workshop Instructors
Transportation Assistance
Overall Case Managers
Services and "Freebie" Research and Coordination
How do I subscribe to the FR4V newsletter?
As you enter the website you will see a box pop up on your screen asking if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter. If you do not see this box try reloading the web page. If you still cannot view the subscription box you can use our contact form on the "Contact" page to request a subscription and report any difficulties you may be experiencing.